Hey hey! So whats going on back at the Fort? I'm here in Te Anau, NZ having to take it easy for a few days until these blisters on my feet get better. Its kinda hard for me to sit on the sidelines but no choice really since i can't do anything that will make it worse. Not big deal though, so mom, don't worry, I didn't catch gain green or anything like that. just had to amputate one of my feet but I'll be straight! Its really nice here and there are all kinds of things to do like take boat rides, fly around in a helicopter, and eat out, but I'm just chillin so my money will last as long as possible. Livin on oodles of noodles, peanut butter, tuna, fruit, cheese, and a few other fine foods! I heard about this thing they do here called WWOOFing. All those letters stand for something about working on an organic farm. There are all types and people who live out in the country and invite folks to come work for them on their farms in exchange for accommodation and food. I've been looking through the book at a few so I'll contact them eventually and try to do that. Its a good way to get to know the locals, be in the country, and not spend any money. This area I'm in now is called the Fiordlands. In America we would call it Fjordlands i reckon since we spell Fjord that way. Its basically lots of beautiful mountains with lakes and rivers everywhere and many of them lead to the sea. I haven't made it to the coast yet but plan to do so hiking and talked to many people about how beautiful it is there. They say you see lots of dolphins, sea lions, and penguins. Not sure when I'll get there but you'll know when i do. Every night we're not on the trail we stay in the van but I've been setting my tent up now because sandflys always get in the van when you open the door and i enjoy having my own spot in my tent. Sandflys are bad in this area i guess because of all the water. When hiking on most of the "tracks" as they call them, you usually stay in huts that are spread apart by a few miles most of the time. When i cam up on a hut for the first time I couldn't believe how nice they were. They have running water and several bunks with pads to sleep on. They also have a fireplace so they are nice to stay in for sure. Back at home you might find a shelter along the appalachain trail but they are just that usually, as shelter. There are lots of hikers or "trampers" as they say around so the take good care of the trails and you see a fair amount og people. The peak season has just ended though so maybe there will be less people on the trail now. I'll have to take a good picture of Vinny's van soon so you all can see it. you'll laugh when you imagine us rolling! I've been driving some and its really hard to get used to driving on the left side. Sometimes you have to concentrate pretty hard but I think i got it now. It is really beautiful here though. the weather is a little quick to change in this area because of the mountains and winds coming off the sea but the people are really really nice everywhere you go and I'm enjoying it for sure! I do miss the luxuries of home and the comfort of the Cave, but I keep my head straight and not getting homesick or anything. I'm glad to be in such a beautiful place when there is so much hiking and the landscape is just amazing. i saw that we got a new president the other day! People here are happy about that. i was in that damn swamp when he got innaugurated so I forgot to tell the truth. It seems as if the rest of the world is glad to see him and he's certainly better than the shrubbery we had before. Here are some pics of my last hike. Needless to say after 3.5 hours of wading through a lake and andother 3.5 of crawling and falling through a swamp we had to turn back. The sign at the trailhead says its serious but we could easily make that route. The reason it was so rough for us is that we trie to do a loop which adds about 20 miles to the trip and part of the loop you have to find your own way. Thats where it got us. We made the right choices though so no worries. I'm not into dying in the wilderness so i don't push it too far. i have too much to come home too! ;-)
Catch up later! Miss you all! Miss riding bikes with chris, chris and my bro, playing the guitfiddle with matt, stopping by the horses for a crown and 7, hanging with the triangle, eating that good home cookin!
Here are a few pics. Me putting iodine on my cuts, scrapes, and blisters once we made it back to the hut. Vinny gave me the hat bc i left mine in the heavy chevy at home. Others of the trail, rivers, and lakes.