Nature: Therapy for your soul?
Have you ever experienced the natural high that one can achieve simply by escaping the hustle and bustle of the city? For some it might mean standing on top of a mountain, but for others it can be as simple as a walk in the park. It’s a feeling of freedom and contentment and if you’ve never experienced that feeling before, I challenge you to make an attempt. It is real, and it’s powerful, but like so many of the good things in life, you must search for it, not only in the forests or on top of a mountain, but also within yourself.
“To the dull mind nature is leaden; to the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just like Ralph Waldo Emerson, many other influential writers, philosophers and naturalists throughout time have promoted the significance of nature in their work. Here, I will incorporate several well-known quotes, as they can often do wonders at putting my own thoughts into words.
Growing up as a lover of almost everything outdoors, I built a firm appreciation for nature from an early age. My father took me camping, fishing, and hunting and I was always naturally drawn to its peacefulness and serenity. I can hear my mother now, saying; “he’ll just sit out there all day long and not even catch a thing”, and that’s true, but I’ll still enjoy every minute of it. Later in life I realized why I was able to do that and it comes down to one simple word, or lesson that nature taught me; patience.
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
The society we live in today is built around instant gratification. Think about how that affects our wants, needs, and desire for satisfaction immediately. In many ways, we've lost a great deal of our patience and ability to slow down, use our imagination, and simply be content with anything simple. Many children grow up so close to a television or computer that they rarely even consider where it came from and what effect it may have on them. If you don’t like the show you’re watching on tv, just turn the channel. If you’re not satisfied with the current web page, game, or social network you are spending hours on, you just simply “click” the mouse. It may seem normal to you now, but think about how things used to be. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told by a person from my parent’s generation, or older, that they used to have to use their imagination in play. Instead of playing X-Box, or Wi, they made up their own games and it often took place outdoors. Though I may not have understood it then, I’m sure glad my mother didn’t let me sit around the house all day as a child. If I had a friend over to visit, you best believe we would be outdoors exploring, and of course, out of her hair.
If you look back even further, to other civilizations, the connection between humans and “nature” was much more personal. You got your water from a stream, rather than a faucet. You hunted for, or grew your own food, instead of purchasing it with money at the supermarket, and the rhythm of life was determined more by Mother Nature than time and money. Life was much different then, and I can’t help but question the true value of many of the things we consider “progress” today.
Throughout my life, the experiences I’ve had in the wilderness have played a major role in shaping the person I am today. I’m not sure exactly where my adventurous spirit came from, but there’s no doubt it’s there. During the past 10 years, I’ve traveled to 16 countries and many places around the U.S. Most of my destinations were chosen not to visit a big city, though I do love the culture (and food!), but to see the wonders of nature in different parts of the world. It wasn’t just a “vacation” for me, but a much more meaningful experience. When you set out to climb a mountain, or hike a trail for days on end, with nothing but the contents of your backpack, it’s all up to you to survive. That’s when you really experience the power and wonders of the wilderness. You realize that it can provide you with everything you need to live, but also take your life in an instant. There were times when I was pushed to the point of exhaustion, both physically and mentally. During those moments, you might question why you even put yourself in such a position, then, you realize that ultimately you have no choice but to move forward if you want to live. Nature is certainly unforgiving, but the rewards you find within yourself when you reach that summit, or ending point of a trail are much more powerful than words can express. From those experiences, you gain a huge sense of achievement, which is an essential part of growing stronger as a person. It gives us confidence and a sense that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. You learn that you can survive and that you can push yourself farther than you ever even imagined. Once you’ve realized that, those strengths translate into all aspects of your life.

My brother, Shane and I. Tetons, Wyoming.
There have been several research studies done recently to determine how outdoor recreation can do things like help reduce stress, speed recovery from surgery, or increase work performance and morale.
Today, we often overlook the importance of nature in our everyday lives. Perhaps that’s why one might prefer the office with a view, rather than an enclosed cubicle, or to take a walk during lunch rather than stay indoors? A simple breath of fresh air can be enough to improve your day. In nature, you witness how thousands of different species coexist without intervention and realize that humans are an essential part of that “web of life.” For many, including myself, it brings a sense of purpose and belonging. It can also help people gain a refreshing new sense of awareness by realizing that they too are part of something much bigger.
"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. -Chief Seattle-
During the past several years of my life I have traveled as much as I could, not just in search of a new place, but also to learn and grow as a human being without making assumptions from afar. Through those many days of adventure, discovery, and solitude, I experienced several realizations about life, and it helped me put things into perspective. Those memories constantly remind me in my day-to-day life, of where my priorities should truly lie. There is no doubt that the time I spent alone in the wilderness has enriched my life to a point past any explanation. It is all something you have to see for yourself to truly understand. Now, I am eager to share my experiences, help others discover the many opportunities that they might not otherwise, and promote a positive, healthy lifestyle.
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."
-John Burroughs
Nature is real. It does not deceive us, hold prejudice against us, or judge us, but it gives us everything we need. It gives us life. Only when we take these things for granted do we feel that nature has neglected us. After all, nature is not just a place we visit. It is our home!
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountain is going home; that wildness is necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.”
-John Muir
As summer approaches, I encourage you all to get out and put a little nature into your life. If you’ve never understood why people love hiking, camping, or any other outdoor activity, maybe its time you give it a chance. Just make sure when you open your door to step outside, you also open your mind and let nature in!
many simple truths that are often forgotten. thank you for always being the exception by not getting caught up in the things that hold no real value, but instead living a life chasing and holding to the things that leave lasting impressions, and for encouraging others to do so as well!